On March 17th 2015 the CW network debuted a show called I Zombie based on the Vertigo comicbook by Chris Roberson and Michael Allred. The show stars Rose Mclver as Liv Moore,Malcolm Goodwin as Detective Clive Babineaux,Rahul Kohli as Dr.Ravi Charkrab,Robert Buckley as Major Lillywhite and David Anders as Blaine DeBeers.
The story starts out with uptight med student Liv reluctantly going to a party and like most parties a zombie outbreak happens and Liv is killed or so we think.The next morning Liv crawls out of a body bag and slowly figures out she's a zombie.In a short time she discovers that as long as she eats brains she'll appear "normal" and holds off going full zombie mode.Fast forward we see Liv has pushed away her family and fiancee Major Lillywhite yes that's his name and she quit med school and took a job at the police morgue where she has easy access to brains. A side effect of eating brains is that Liv takes on the personality of the person and their memories.She learns to use this to help Det.Clive Babineaux with his cases and explains to him she's pshyic. We later find out that the zombie outbreak was caused by a tainted drug and the dealer Blaine DeBeers is also now a zombie and has gone from dealing drugs to dealing brains to anyone who can afford it and wants to stay looking "normal",while Dr.Charkrab who knows of Liv"s "condition" is working on a cure to help her and others like her and yes there are a good number of zombies living in Seattle
The show is very well written and the chemistry between the actors are great like with Liv and Det. Babineaux and you might find yourself jealous of the "bromance" between Major and Dr.Charkrab who have become best friends and roommates. Each character has developed and we keep learning more about them even "bad guy" Blaine I hope we get to see more of Det. Babineaux's background and private life as the show goes on. This is a totally fresh take on the whole "zombie thing" without being goofy and you don't have to had read the comicbook to know what's going on.
It airs Tuesday night at 9pm on the CW and it's just started it's 2nd season. Give it a try and you don't have to be into comicbooks or zombies to enjoy this show.
So until next time my friends stay geeky and hungry.
This Blog is about my love of all types of food,cooking it,places I find to eat and also my love of things Geeky
Thursday, October 22, 2015
The Little Zombie that Could
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